Harvard Professor Michael Sandel Talks Democracy And Social Media Posted on March 18, 2023 News By Akta Yadav 379 Views Michael Sandel :- Harvard professor Michael Sandel believes that democracy in India is deeply rooted, yet under threat, at the same time. He was among the distinguished speakers who addressed the India Today Conclave 2023 on the first day. Michael On Democracy: 'Under Threat Everywhere' After gaining experience from the attack on the US Capitol in the aftermath of an election, Michael Sandel said," I think democracy is in danger and under threat in our country, in India, and in many countries around the world, which is not to say that democracy is without sources of rejuvenation." While drawing inferences from the invasion of the Capitol on 6 January 2022, he stated that if that could happen in the US, it indicates the threat that democracy is facing globally. Michael Sandel During a discussion with India Today's Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai, Michael said, "The flourishing in the success and revival of democracy in the most populist democratic country in the world is something in which all of us have a stake. So, I wish you well as you all think through these challenges to democracy". Michael on Social Media's Tricks: 'Sensational, Provocative, And Inflammatory' Michael Sandel, a political philosopher at Harvard University, also spoke about the drawbacks of the social media age and its peril. He pointed out the fact that the intent of social media is no longer to educate but to grab the viewers' attention using scandalous as well as agitating clickbaits which cause a damaging impact on public culture. Speaking of the nuisance social media has created, he remarked, "Social media is destructive of the capacity to listen and to pay attention, because the whole economic model of it is to hold our attention for as long as possible, to gather more personal data about us, the better to sell us stuff through targeted ads. And that is a recipe for an impoverished civic life and an impoverished public discourse,". Michael Sandel For more updates keep visiting our website www.topstoriesworld.com where we provide unbiased, true and top stories of the world.